Friday, December 7, 2018

Russian Mask
This was very loosely inspired by Russian cultural masks but turned out to be much more individual.
The original plan was to reflect common themes of Russia.
I started with paper mache. I wanted vivid colors and unique texture so I finished it off with tissue paper.

If I had intended to represent a culture I would do so fully and accurately next time.

Somewhere in Iceland
This project tested my patience. It is not a style I would ever want to do again however neat it may turn
out. It was just an assignment. It was done after a landscape photo of a road and home in Iceland. I could
not find out exactly where.
Maybe the message conveys peace in nature and wonder in color to others, but it represents all of my
pet peeves to me.
I used a lot of stippling for the grass. The house was not actually colorful at all. It was a simple
abandoned cabin shack made of wood with a white door. I made it colorful because I wanted it to seem
like it was from a different reality, which is the way abandoned buildings always feel to me.

I definitely made the house entirely three-dimensional and fill the gap in the grass in the back right. I
would make the left field not look like it was from a different country, and more like a different type of field
by adding similar colors as there on the right field.

Cool Toe
I wanted to sculpt a toe. It turned out to be much quicker than I expected. So I got more ideas. I put
clothes and a smile on it.
It was always intended to bring fun.
I didn’t use any special painting technique aside from adding water to black acrylic paint to make it look
like a marker.

If I would change anything, I would make the arms more realistic and work towards better craftsmanship.

It’s Halloween
I wanted to make a paper mache cup at first, but it transformed into this monstrosity. Because it was
created around Halloween, I decided to give it the said title.
It was done to take part in the festive feel of the spooky time.
I did not use dry brush for the gradient from red to black- actually quite the opposite. If there was an area
that needed to be gradually changed I had to make sure a large area could be done fast so it would not
dry. For the crooked teeth, I cut a strip of paper and cut triangles into that paper. I painted the teeth
off-white for a dingy, gnarly feel that would accept its own snaggle teeth.

I would not leave the attachment strip so wide next time I use a similar technique. It should have
been more hidden.

Space Junk
I knew my end goal would be to sculpt a woman’s face, but I did not expect to make it an alien. The idea
occurred to me while listening to the song Space Junk by Devo.
The plan was to convey a sense of wonder and possibility.
The only special technique I used was dry-brushing a yellow pearlescent over a dark green paint.
Everything else was painted with a very basic technique.

If I created a similar piece, I would have made the eyes have some life but I did not have the time to do
so this time around.